The creators of my personal concept of success.
Daddy: ‘If anyone tells you the sky is the limit, tell them you’re cosmic. Try to find a limit there!’
Mamsie: ‘Always reach for the highest. If it doesn’t work, just take one step back to climb up again.’
They taught me the unity of the elements of nature which reside in each of us, They taught me the power and wisdom of water and fire, the sun and the moon. They accepted my ‘rareness’ with love and pride.
Through them I carry and transfer the ancient Indian knowledge and wisdom. Through them I carry within the divine and the ability to see and meet the divine in others. Through them I am cosmic.
He taught me that through travelling borders fade away and you will be introduced to the infinite treasures of life.
There are some years between us, but we share the same birthday and sense for uniqueness.
As a child I admired her on the screen because of her beauty. Like my grandmothers and mother she exposes a powerful femininity which makes her beauty radiant, even in times when life seemed to be a challenge.
Whenever I seem to run endless marathons in my mind, his knowledge takes me back to serenity through clarity and simplicity.
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