Recently the book Sales is sexy arrived in my mailbox and that same evening I rescheduled my planning, so I could take all the time to read it.
I have read many books about sales with exercises, tools and tips. But none of those books had an inviting cover like this one. Was it because of the drawing of a woman and the colour of her silhouette? Anyways the book addressed the entrepreneurial woman in me and I got comfortable soon. As always I scanned the index and the amount of pages: nine chapters and 223 pages.
I started with the second to last chapter ‘YES BUT I AM NICE RIGHT Adversity and dealing with it’.
I recognized this chapter as the challenge every entreprenesse faces once in a while and to which good assistance is always more than welcome.
Business is always somewhat okay, but selling more is often the dragon most entrepreneurial women run away from.
Although, my personal and entrepreneurial circles often tell me that there is a talented sales lady hiding in me because of my personality, I have always outsourced sales activities. It saves time and I can focus on what I like and what I am good at: developing concepts and programs, connecting people to let people grow in an individual and entrepreneurial way. At least that’s what I had been telling myself …
Like mentioned previously I have read a lot about sales, but those books had always been picked up with some resistance. Sometimes it would take months before I would open a sales book. But with this book, Sales is sexy, it was different. There was clearly less resistance.
Lucinda Douglas and Jan-Willem Seip, authors of Sales is sexy provide the entrepreneurial woman tips and tools based on their expertise, references to scientific research and literature, but also share experiences of entrepreneurial women. By sharing the experiences of these entrepreneurial women they manage to take away the ‘pain’ of the sales aspect of feminine enterprise with these tips and tools.
Sales is sexy doesn’t cover unknown sales topics, but manages to relate these topics to womanhood, including all the insecurities women can experience as well as the huge advantage we women have on men. It’s exactly this advantage that can make us as entrepreneurial women excell our sales talents.
Sales is sexy is unlike most books about sales a ‘soft’ and ‘accessible’ book addressing the woman who dares to be a business woman. It doesn’t have explicit exercises, but each chapter does invite the entreprenesse to take action.
Sales is sexy made me realise that I didn’t just outsource sales activities for reasons I mentioned before but mainly because of my resistance. My resistance seemed to be unnecessary. I had been making a mountain out of the mole hill. This takes me to the beautiful quote of Jolanda Wicherson in the book ‘Whenever this obstructing belief pops into my head, I think: there is that feeling again! How beautiful, I am growing again.’ And again it shows, resistance offers growth!
Sales is sexy is only available in Dutch. Order your copy here.
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