Strategy of Stratagem? The general in me is awake!

In 2011 I had the idea to organise an event for and with entrepreneurs. The profit would benefit a charity of a Japanese business consultant and an Israelian artist. These ladies I invited to draft a plan which we could propose to the facilitating party. The calibre of women power I increased by inviting a Mexican business lady for her expertise: strategy. It is great if you know the goal you wish to achieve, but you'll have a better chance achieving that goal with well thought of strategy and tactics.

What a welcome gift it is when someone would love to play with tin soldiers as a child to whereupon as an adult with a love for strategy he would write a book about strategy: Think like a general (Denken als een generaal).

For twelve days, a chapter a day I walked through history holding Michiel Janzen's hand to meeet great names in strategy and did I have the privilige to witness moments which eternalized and laurelled their strategy.

Each strategist has a specialism which Michiel Janzen manages to translate to present situation on the work floor and in your own business.

You'll learn to think creatively like Hannibal. You'll be introduced to Sun Tzu's Art of War. Are you a coach? Maybe Micheil de Ruijter can provide you a good strategy for teambuilding.

Think like a general (Denken als een generaal) displays 12 archetypes of a strategist. I have been spoon-fed with some of them, others need some further development.

As a child at our home we had this weekly obligatory game of chess with our father to develop strategic understanding. Though I loved attending history class, a book like Think like a general (Denken als een generaal) would probably have delivered more interesting outcomes during chess. Even better would have been if I had Michiel Janzen as a playmate to play with tin soldiers at that time.

Do you wish to wake the general in you? Order very strategically your own copy of Think like a general (Denken als een general - only in Dutch available yet.)


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